Wednesday, 8 March 2017


We listened to some diary extracts from the Early Settlers to New Zealand, describing thoer journey and life on board ship. We heard about the cramped conditions, leaking boats, storms, widespread illness and sickness, food provisions and how they passed the time. We used this information to make some freeze frame pictures of scenes from the ship. Take a look and see if you can figure out what is happening.

Here we have  2 teenagers who are reading to pass the time, whilst in the foreground Mum cuddles a frightened child as the boat endures the storm, whilst another child lies, feeling sea sick

In this freeze frame Mum sits with her 2 daughters whilst 2 other are cooking food, but feeling sea sick

In this picture, Mr Brown teaches some of the children on the boat, whilst another teacher watches over the children to make sure they are listening. 2 boys are playing cards instead of doing their lesson and another unfortunate passenger, feeling the effects of the storm, falls overboard.

In this freeze frame one passenger is trying to have a shower/wash, whilst 2 others are reading a recipe to make tea, In the foregronnd one child whittles away happily, whilst another is getting cross that her friend is taking so long to finish washing and his food is getting cold.

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